Sunday, August 9, 2009

And so it begins...

In the last few weeks a lot of people have heard me talking about 'My Great American Soda Adventure', the idea was for me to taste and document the unique sodas of America. The idea came to me at the Cuban Sandwich place (Paseo) in Ballard, two friends (Dan and Nina) in the line before me were debating what drink they should have to complement their tasty tasty sandwich.

"oh man they have Squirt"
"I haven't had a Squirt in ages".... (all obvious puns intended!)

Intrigued I asked what it tasted like.

"you've never had one?It's delicious and refreshing..."

So, to cut a long story short I had a Squirt(!) and it was perfectly ballanced citrusy goodness, that reminded a lot of a drink called Lilt back in Blighty. That got me thinking, how many other sodas are there in the States that I should taste? A quick look up on Wikipedia showed that there are literally hundreds, probably more than anyone should ever drink in a lifetime. The task has been set; Taste the Unique Sodas of America. I have wanted to try my hand at this blogging malarkey for a while now - not that I care if anyone reads this, its more as a personal record of another year here in Seattle - I have just started my fourth year! Also, modern technology means I can Blog from phone whilst out and about too.

So to summarize:
  • Unique Sodas of America (USA... see what I did there?!)
  • Taste as many different sodas as I can whilst maintaining a balanced diet, healthy sporting activity and good dental hygiene i.e. try to make sure my teeth don't fall out and I don't get fat!
  • Review and write about said sodas - maybe even have an updated top ten
  • no Diet rubbish - if I am going to drink sodas they should have sugar in them
  • Recommendations are always welcome too

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